F I V E 🌙MOONS🌙M A M A today on this TOTAL Solar Eclipse NEW MOON in Cancer in the sign of the Great Mother, my fav moon of the year 🌑 I’m taking these days slowly and softly, feeling my babe moving makes me giggle and brings an immense light into my spirit. I did yoga yesterday and for the first time in many many years I allowed my belly to soften, expand, and take the space that is needed; it was beautiful to allow my self to do that, moving through yoga flow with a baby human moving too it’s deep connection and magic !
May this beautiful MOTHER Energy continue to rise and awaken your heart, bring more love and more compassion,for ourselves and for each other.
What a great year ! Our magic wedding, then we moved into our little house and made it our Home well.. Matt did it mostly and our two pregnancy: one taught us about the depth of loss, and the mystery of death, and this pregnancy journey, 5 moons so far out of 10, halfway through the mystery of birth rite and the transitioning to the summer season of the wheel of my life: motherhood leaving behind my maiden soul..
This little soul is moving into my womb and growing, and we are connecting more and more every with our hearts .. I love my babies so much and I have deep gratitude to the universe for bringing all this abundance of magic and love into my life !